TYPO3-Update auf Version 6.1.8 und 6.2.1

Wichtiges Bugfix- und Security-Update vom 16.04.2014 für die von uns eingesetzten TYPO3-Versionen.
Branch 6.1 -> Update auf 6.1.8
Branch 6.2 -> Update auf 6.2.1
Bei allen Kunden-Websites mit TYPO3-Wartungsverträgen wurden die TYPO3-Updates, sowie die Updates für installierte Extensions und Sprach-Updates bereits eingespielt.
Neuerungen in Version 6.1.8
[BUGFIX] Mandatory for Selectbox with TCA not possible (#24925)
[BUGFIX] SoftReferenceIndex typolink lacks support for title attributes (#56580)
[BUGFIX] Fix refindex for FlexForm fields type group file_reference (#56991)
[BUGFIX] Fields of type group file are not properly indexed (#56353)
[BUGFIX] Add SoftIndex parser typolink to link in sys_file_reference (#57010)
[TASK] Updates prototype and scriptaculous, fixing IE9+ issues (#51768)
[BUGFIX] sql_free_result does not work with all allowed types (#50378)
[BUGFIX] User settings do not obey setup.override (#57690)
[BUGFIX] ClickMenu: Visibility-options only if fields allowed (#55683)
[TASK] Integrate default README.txt (#57656)
[SECURITY] Prevent XSS in scheduler form (#57603)
[BUGFIX] Make Extbase EnvironmentService a Singleton (#57518)
[BUGFIX] Test typeof TBE_EDITOR for object not function (#57296)
[BUGFIX] Exception if thumbnail does not exist (#54394)
[BUGFIX] Typo in Extbase localization file (#57238)
[BUGFIX] Module Menu throws PHP warning for top level menu items (#57179)
[BUGFIX] Parsetime: config.debug should override LocalConfiguration (#57202)
[BUGFIX] Several typos in Page Browsing ViewHelper (#55340)
[BUGFIX] Cannot use contain with multivalued static enumeration column (#56205)
[BUGFIX] RootlineUtility does not consider disablefield (#56150)
[BUGFIX] Extbase tries to overlay pages_language_overlay records (#56855)
[BUGFIX] Alignment of button "add a new element at this place" (#56720)
[BUGFIX] Show thumbnails in list module (#56830)
[BUGFIX] Followup: Ajax handler TYPO3_tcefile::process is broken (#56084)
[BUGFIX] Correctly validate New Content Element entries (#23864)
[BUGFIX] Allow record insert on rootlevel (#52386)
[BUGFIX] Temporary DB tree mount notice missing in ElementBrowser (#43885)
[BUGFIX] RTE on first new IRRE record keeps loading in IE (#55457)
[BUGFIX] Default size for group-type fields (#23552)
[BUGFIX] IdentityProperties were not set (#46185)
[BUGFIX] Catch all errors while starting installer (#11771)
[BUGFIX] Double escape of title in indexed search (#56262)
[BUGFIX] Do not log with severity 1320177676 (#56378)
[BUGFIX] @return for TYPO3\CMS\Sv\AuthenticationService::authUser (#56421)
[BUGFIX] URL-encoded title in link wizard (#41413)
[BUGFIX] Revert "[TASK] Use a 401 header if login is not successful" (#55966)
[BUGFIX] Paginator in TER list not using ajax (#56184)
[BUGFIX] felogin reset password links not clickable (#23984)
[BUGFIX] Fix JS concat if first file is forced on top (#56242)
[BUGFIX] Use count on storage after initialization of LazyObjectStorage (#54724)
[BUGFIX] Fix possible language handling issue (#49499)
[BUGFIX] Rendering inline TCEforms without AJAX is broken (#39048)
[BUGFIX] concatenateJs/Css does not consider forceOnTop (#53116)
[BUGFIX] DatabaseConnection::listQuery wrong usage of strpos() (#56135)
[BUGFIX] Suppress EXIF warnings indexing images (#55286)
[BUGFIX] Various static calls to non-static functions (#56067)
[BUGFIX] Add missing htmlspecialchars for thumbnail URL (#56057)
[BUGFIX] Show labels of additional doktypes in new page drag area (#52955)
[BUGFIX] Missing encoding in flexforms IRRE javascript (#54304)
[BUGFIX] addToAllTCAtypes() doesn't add new field (#52527)
[BUGFIX] Fix clipboard thumbnail rendering (#56037)
[BUGFIX] Usage of undefined variables in ShortcutToolbarItem (#55998)
[BUGFIX] CommandController is not executed at same time (#55362)
[BUGFIX] Missing label felogin_forgotHash (#49440)
[BUGFIX] cache_clearAtMidnight conflicts with content start/endtime (#53028)
[TASK] Execute lint in parallel
[BUGFIX] Allow to render the same TS object twice (#53768)
[BUGFIX] Tests: Remove unstable GeneralUtilityTest::getUrl* (#55821)
[BUGFIX] "New page" wizard discloses existence of pages outside DB mount (#18797)
[TASK] Add possibility creating accessible mock for abstract classes (#53564)
[BUGFIX] CSV-Download not working in IE and HTTPS backend (#16491)
[BUGFIX] Fix "action" labels in BE log (#55698)
[TASK] Move cursor::pointer to complete header area in IRRE (#55611)
[BUGFIX] Followup to #54131 (#54131)
[BUGFIX] Missing namespace in ContentObjectRenderer (#55713)
[BUGFIX] Set missing markers to empty string (#54112)
[BUGFIX] Various PHP Warnings with invalid credentials (#55434)
[BUGFIX] TSFE->altPageTitle can not be set in extensions (#54467)
[BUGFIX] Add stdWrap on value property of TEXT (#54371)
[BUGFIX] Locker throws exception if semaphore can not be acquired (#52048)
[BUGFIX] PropertyMapper does not work with class aliasses (#54289)
[BUGFIX] getLabelsFromItemsList() retuns no value when no item found (#54131)
[BUGFIX] Regression in DataHandler (#55475)
[BUGFIX] DocumentTemplate class inserts inDocStyles twice (#55458)
[BUGFIX] Handle empty tags in language pack index files (#41450)
[BUGFIX] ClickMenu does not show destination-foldername (#55407)
[BUGFIX] Invalid constant in the domain redirect function (#55350)
[TASK] Change repository url for introduction package (#55377)
[TASK] Change phpunit repository url for travis (#55366)
[BUGFIX] Better description of [BE][unzip_path]/[BE][diff_path] (#53964)
[BUGFIX] Simulate time in TYPO3 admin panel broken (#55093)
[BUGFIX] sys_category table not listed in allowed excludefields (#53201)
[BUGFIX] Removing single category item not possible (#53665)
[BUGFIX] CLI context cannot write to backend log (#54849)
[BUGFIX] Class 'TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\Browser\GeneralUtility' not found (#55246)
[BUGFIX] Static method cannot be abstract (#37539)
[BUGFIX] RootlineUtility does not consider foreign_sorting (#54884)
[BUGFIX] Create valid file reference index data (#53712)
[BUGFIX] File browser fails on inexistent expandFolder (#50266)
[BUGFIX] Show correct record title for be_groups and be_users (#34631)
[BUGFIX] PHP warnings in ElementBrowser (#54995)
[TASK] Speedup typolink root-line handling (#54959)
[BUGFIX] Folder tree in popup throws JS error (#53826)
[BUGFIX] Add defaultTypoScript to hierachyInfo (#53352)
[BUGFIX] Template dropdown doesn't refresh template title after save (#51805)
[BUGFIX] Add missing logger names (#54909)
[BUGFIX] Allow empty values in start/stop filter of belog (#53975)
[BUGFIX] isValidUrl() idna converts whole URI (#53862)
[TASK] Change list view delete icon if record is deleted in WS (#52554)
[BUGFIX] Properly escape the ImageMagick frame selector (#31797)
[BUGFIX] Only create one keypair in rsaauth (#24877)
[BUGFIX] use search word(s) for ordering search results (again) (#38767)
[BUGFIX] foreign_match_fields not fully supported (#47694)
[BUGFIX] Form Wizard saving destroys Radio Buttons (#53727)
[BUGFIX] Display relations' titles when TCA label field is type inline (#52133)
[BUGFIX] PageBrowsing ViewHelper defines unused method argument (#54807)
[BUGFIX] Repository uses wrong property to calc current result page (#54808)
[BUGFIX] Allow NULL values in INSERT queries (#53662)
[TASK] Optimize speed for instantiating class with arguments (#53682)
[BUGFIX] ClassAliasMap, Tx_ VH namespace and closing tag throws Exception (#54115)
[BUGFIX] Fix message for install tool warning (#54531)
[TASK] Fix travis builds (#54369)
[BUGFIX] ArrayIterator::seek() warning in ElementBrowser (#51752)
[BUGFIX] felogin: Unknown modifier in regular expression (#52059)
[BUGFIX] Remove ElementBrowser::isReadOnlyFolder (#47648)
[BUGFIX] No double htmlspecialchars for filemount select (#54027)
[BUGFIX] Cleanly unset cookies on login in cookie-check (#53818)
Neuerungen in Version 6.2.1
[FEATURE] Provide API to add cached TCA changes (#57942)
[FEATURE] Introduce signal in loadBaseTca (#57863)
[SECURITY] Prevent XSS in scheduler form (#57603)
[TASK] Updates prototype and scriptaculous, fixing IE9+ issues (#51768)
[BUGFIX] Properly detect HHVM with fastcgi (#57785)
[BUGFIX] Use last result line of identify command (#56574)
[BUGFIX] Enable backend login for Internet Explorer 8 users (#56988)
[BUGFIX] Don't run processIncludes more than once (#54903)
File Abstraction Layer
[TASK] Release file and folder permission check (#57354)
[BUGFIX] ResourceStorage does not sanitize folder/file name (#57681)
[CLEANUP] Clean up comments and error messages in ResourceStorage (#57871)
[BUGFIX] FAL: Prevent invalid NULL value on metadata creation (#57495)
[BUGFIX] Use return values of array_map in local driver (#57415)
[BUGFIX] CSC: file references not working with image compression (#57346)
DBAL / DatabaseConnection
[BUGFIX] DBAL sql_fetch_* must return boolean or array (#57957)
[BUGFIX] Run scheduler from cli fails on DBAL (#57246)
[BUGFIX] sql_free_result does not work with all allowed types (#50378)
Importer / Exporter
[BUGFIX] impexp has to use module dispatcher (#57873)
[BUGFIX] Fix impexp for importing exports from version 4.x (#52593)
Install Tool / Extension Manager / Distributions
[BUGFIX] Improve database scheme updater (#57421)
[BUGFIX] Fix relative path calculations in EM (#57327)
[BUGFIX] Extension update fails if needed by other extensions (#57264)
[BUGFIX] Update for sys_file_metadata returns SQL error (#57420)
[BUGFIX] Install Tool-FAL metadata migration fails for big sets (#57103)
[BUGFIX] Install tool update wizards show html tags in error message (#57285)
[BUGFIX] Fix initial file import in EM (#57312)
[BUGFIX] TceformsUpdateWizard shows up too often (#57497)
[TASK] TceformsUpdateWizard: Throw exception if database query fails (#57572)
[BUGFIX] Backup of LocalConfiguration.php missing on update (#57458)
[BUGFIX] Remove the need of PackageStates.php in tests (#57490)
[BUGFIX] TCA tree fail to load with IRRE (#39035)
[BUGFIX] Set maxLevels of generated sys_category TCA (#57750)
[BUGFIX] BE ignores l10n_mode for record titles (#33499)
[BUGFIX] Do not reset Page Renderer on partial rendering (#57294)
[BUGFIX] Check if lock directory is writable (#57463)
[BUGFIX] Check default salting method first (#54833)
[BUGFIX] Check WorkspaceEnabled for MM field related table (#57291)
[TASK] Remove hardcoded module name in AbstractDatabaseRecordList (#55314)
[BUGFIX] Admin users should ignore user mounts (#57587)
[BUGFIX] T3editor description loading (#57708)
[BUGFIX] User settings do not obey setup.override (#57690)
[TASK] Return to "Admin Tools > User Admin" when exiting simulated BE User (#22020)
[BUGFIX] Fetch RSA public key by Ajax before login (#37421)
[BUGFIX] Add correctly escaped css selectors for js (#56874)
[BUGFIX] Add available jQuery version to PageRenderer (#57466)
[BUGFIX] Improve the admin panel (#57579)
[BUGFIX] Marker missing for page.includeCSSLibs (#57467)
[BUGFIX] Allow user defined locales to work with TSFE->sL() (#53973)
[BUGFIX] Respect config.debug setting for displaying parsetime (#57365)
[BUGFIX] Load adminPanel styles for FE editing (#55896)
[BUGFIX] Make Extbase Cli\RequestBuilder a Singleton (#57591)
[BUGFIX] Extbase: Follow up foreign_match_fields not fully supported (#47694)
[BUGFIX] Correctly apply Extbase validator options and add tests (#52208)
[BUGFIX] Make Extbase EnvironmentService a Singleton (#57518)
[BUGFIX] Make Typo3DbQueryParser a Singleton (#57338)
[BUGFIX] Tests: Namespaced usage of vfsStream (#57872)
[BUGFIX] Fix incomplete mocking in ExtensionManagementUtilityTest (#57700)
[TASK] Activate all packages in unit tests (#57487)
[TASK] Avoid sysLog calls in MailUtilityTest (#57676)
[CLEANUP] Category related tests cleanup (#57949)
[CLEANUP] Remove unused [BE][usePHPFileFunctions] option (#57921)
[BUGFIX] Do not unset() PageRenderer class members (#57920)
[CLEANUP] Remove unnecessary @todo annotations (#57865)
[CLEANUP] ImportExportController code style (#57855)
[CLEANUP] Improve comments in TypoScriptFrontendController (#57814)
[TASK] Improve comments and phpdoc blocks in PageRepository (#57859)
[CLEANUP] Fix length of comments to meet CGL (#57819)
[CLEANUP] Error handling classes (#57661)
[CLEANUP] Remove deprecated filemount functions in BE_USER (#56772)
[CLEANUP] Code style of authentication classes (#57788)
[TASK] Improve deprecation msg of GeneralUtility method (#57499)
[CLEANUP] Remove option "edit_wideDocument" (#57295)
[TASK] Readd search string in module "Configuration" (#57486)
[TASK] Web>Page Search: Remove duplicate CSS (#57451)
[TASK] Remove space in Page module notification (#57449)
[TASK] Cleanup ChangeLog from duplicate lines
[BUGFIX] PHP warning due to missing preg_quote (#55662)