TYPO3-Update auf Version 6.2.2

Wichtiges Bugfix-Update vom 6. Mai 2014 für die von uns eingesetzte TYPO3-Branch 6.2 auf Version 6.2.2.
Bei allen Kunden-Websites mit TYPO3-Wartungsverträgen wurden die TYPO3-Updates, sowie die Updates für installierte Extensions und Sprach-Updates bereits von uns eingespielt.
Neuerungen in Version 6.2.2
[TASK] Make Flow Package HHVM compatible (#57993)
[BUGFIX] Solve stackoverflow in prototype in IE8 (#58187)
[TASK] Reduce file size of core images (#58110)
File Abstraction Layer
[BUGFIX] remove enableFields for sys_file_processedfile (#57906)
[BUGFIX] Set internalUploadMap on upload in ExtendedFileUtility (#58463)
[TASK] Enhance localization behavior of pages.media (#58476)
[BUGFIX] Enable alt and link fields for page media (#56884)
[BUGFIX] Media field is empty on page localization (#57488)
[BUGFIX] Default image title in RTE contains the file name (#58373)
[TASK] Keep uid / pid parameters in element browser URLs (#58005)
Importer / Exporter
[BUGFIX] Fix file handling in import/export module (#53552)
[BUGFIX] Fix exporting content elements (#58576)
[BUGFIX] SoftReferenceIndex support for more values in class attribute (#58484)
Install Tool
[BUGFIX] Use REDIRECT_ prefix as fallback for environment variables (#53188)
[BUGFIX] DBAL native mode: Database compare fails (#58147)
[BUGFIX] Upgrade Wizard: Limit FileTableSplittingUpdate to TYPO3 6.0/6.1 (#57492)
[BUGFIX] Fix description of userHomePath and groupHomePath (#56986)
[BUGFIX] Detection of image manipulation libs with open_basedir (#58466)
[BUGFIX] Clear all cache in install tool throws exception (#58337)
[BUGFIX] Remove unnecessary redirect loops for first installation (#58380)
[BUGFIX] Sets defaultMailFromAddress as sender for install tool e-mails (#57401)
[BUGFIX] checkMaximumFileUploadSize shows misleading message (#58260)
Extension Manager / Distributions
[CLEANUP] Extension Manager code (#57861)
[BUGFIX] DependencyUtility does count() on an integer (#58529)
[BUGFIX] saltedpasswords: Check rsaauth loading (#58504)
[BUGFIX] Disable removal of installed extensions (#58493)
[BUGFIX] Removed extension stays in PackageStates file (#53459)
[BUGFIX] Notification about missing impexp installation (#57375)
[BUGFIX] Retrieving extension fails with some PHP versions (#58418)
[BUGFIX] Extensionmanager does not show error messages on update failure (#56823)
Page Renderer
Revert "[BUGFIX] Do not reset Page Renderer on partial rendering" (fixes regressions #57919 and #58010)
[BUGFIX] Include RSA JS files in HTML header (#58010)
[TASK] Clarify reset in page renderer comment (#58581)
[BUGFIX] Flag compressed files to exclude from compression (#58582)
[BUGFIX] Fail silently in category registry (#58384)
[BUGFIX] Fix oddities of the CategoryRegistry (#58004)
[BUGFIX] Database query error for non-workspaces tables (#58180)
[BUGFIX] Fix TCA overrides when not cached (#58039)
[BUGFIX] Session cookie is not recreated on login (#57751)
[BUGFIX] Add l18n_parent to tt_content TCA (#26709)
[BUGFIX] Remove GET parameters from URLs in List module (#58257)
[BUGFIX] Group permissions for new pages are not set (#56393)
[BUGFIX] Search box list module not shown (#58526)
[BUGFIX] EXT:saltedpasswords remove dependency on EXT:setup (#58192, solves User settings password change locks out user if saltedpasswords is not configured to allow legacy passwords)
[CLEANUP] Page Module: Do hovering via CSS, not JS (#58359)
[BUGFIX] Fix dragging of elements in page module (#58473)
[BUGFIX] Flush caches in group should throw exception (#58465)
[BUGFIX] Page Module: wrong set layer in page module during drag and drop (#58413)
[TASK] Remove superfluous margin above #typo3-menu (#57098)
[BUGFIX] News Box in BE Login Screen not styled properly (#58362)
[BUGFIX] Inaccessible pages on shortcuts/PageNotFound handler (#16472)
[BUGFIX] Properly check existence of array item in VIDEO rendering (#57809)
[BUGFIX] IMAGE param stdWrap-function not working (#58420)
[BUGFIX] TypoScriptParser does not validate absPath (#58102)
[BUGFIX] Queries built by repositories don't respect MM_match_fields (#10487)
[BUGFIX] AbstractDomainObject _cleanProperties is array (#57244)
[TASK] Make includeCsh configurable in ContainerViewHelper (#58075)
[BUGFIX] Reimplement ranges in NumberRangeValidator (#58313)
[BUGFIX] ext:rsaauth cliBackend pollutes cli output (#58530)
[BUGFIX] Don't send HTTP headers in CLI context (#58029)
[BUGFIX] Remove hardcoded calling script in help controller (#58456)
[BUGFIX] Missing TSconfig in FE (needed for EXT:feeditadvanced) (#58338)
[TASK] Remove backslash for UnexpectedValueException in mod.php (#58344)
[TASK] Add phpdoc @var for calls to makeInstance() (#58459)
[BUGFIX] Wrong comment in ActionMenuViewHelper (#58166)
[TASK] Speed up functional tests (#58433)
[BUGFIX] Improve Windows support for functional tests (#57524)
[BUGFIX] Skip APC tests if on cli and enable_cli is off (#58451)
[TASK] Find functional tests automatically, optimize travis-ci (#58578)
[CLEANUP] Clean up functional tests (#58445)
[TASK] Tests: Find all tests automatically (#58533)
[TASK] Tests: Activate ext:rsaauth test suite (#58531)
[TASK] Tests: Refactor and activate dbal tests (#52527)
[BUGFIX] Fix broken impexp functional test (#58503)
[CLEANUP] Remove abandoned functional test (#58446)
[BUGFIX] Fix namespace of RelationTest (#58450)
[TASK] Remove tests no longer needed (#58416)
[TASK] Use composer for unit and functional tests in travis (#57971)
[TASK] Mitigate risk for travis-ci timeouts
[BUGFIX] Always convert webroot to unix styled path (#58559)